EZ 2 Lotto Result December 6 2017 Wednesday

EZ 2 Lotto Result December 6 2017 Wednesday
EZ 2 Lotto was opened to the Visayas-Mindanao. Drawn daily every 11:00 am, 4:00 pm and 9:00 pm.

To play this game, a player will chose two (2) numbers from 1 – 31, and if his chosen numbers match the winning combination drawn in exact order for that particular draw, he wins Php4,000.00 per-ten-peso-play. Each ticket costs PhP10.00 per combination.

2D EZ2 lotto result December 6, 2017 Wednesday

Combination EZ2 - 11AM: 21-24

Straight Winner Price: 4,000.00 :140

Rambolito Winner Price: 2,000.00:  __
Combination EZ2 - 4PM :03-04

Straight Winner Price: 4,000.00 :305

Rambolito Winner Price: 2,000.00:__

Combination EZ2 - 9PM :10-12

Straight Winner Price: 4,000.00 :740

Rambolito Winner Price: 2,000.00: __

The EZ 2 Lotto is fixed-prize game. Getting the two (2) drawn winning numbers in exact order wins you the 1st prize of PhP4,000.00 per ten-peso play. Playing via the Rambolito wins you PhP2,000.00.

Prize payout per Standard Play:
Game Type      Prizes (Peso)
Standard Play (getting all Two numbers drawn in exact order)         Php 4,000.00
Rambolito      Php 2,000.00

Prizes amounting to Php5,000.00 and below can be claimed at any authorized Lotto outlet or at the PCSO Branch Offices in your area.

Prizes worth more than Php5,000.00 to Php20,000.00 can be claimed at any of the PCSO Branch Offices or at the PCSO Head Ofice, 605 Conservatory Bldg., Shaw Blvrd. Corner Priceton St., Mandaluyong City.

Jackpot prize should be validated and claimed at the PCSO Head Office, 605 Conservatory Bldg., Shaw Blvrd. Corner Priceton St., Mandaluyong City.
EZ 2 Lotto Result December 6 2017 Wednesday EZ 2 Lotto Result December 6 2017 Wednesday Reviewed by joYS on December 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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